Geoffrey Joseph Kuskie Prize at the University of Queensland, Australia 2023
Application is now open for the Geoffrey Joseph Kuskie Prize at the University of Queensland. Interested candidates are encouraged to send in their applications before the deadline date.
About the University of Queensland and Scholarship
The journey towards the establishment of the University of Queensland (UQ) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was marked by several key developments and debates. In the 1870s, there were initial proposals for the creation of a university in Queensland. A Royal Commission in 1874, led by Sir Charles Lilley, recommended the immediate establishment of such a university.
However, some opponents argued that, given the dominance of primary industry in Queensland’s economy, technical education held more significance than traditional academic education. Proponents of the university, in response to this opposition, distanced themselves from the models of Oxford and Cambridge and instead looked to the practical, applied approach of universities in the mid-western United States.
In 1891, a second Royal Commission was convened and recommended the inclusion of five faculties in the new university: Arts, Law, Medicine, Science, and Applied Science. Despite these recommendations, education, in general, was not a high priority in the state’s budgets. Primary education was the primary concern, with secondary and technical education lagging.
In 1893, the Queensland University Extension Movement was initiated by a group of private individuals. They organized public lecture courses in adult education, aiming to generate broader community support for a university in Queensland.
In 1894, 245 students enrolled in these extension classes, and the lectures were commended for their practical and useful nature. The University Extension Movement organized the University Congress in 1906. This forum allowed interested delegates to promote the idea of a university. The Congress succeeded in mobilizing public opinion, starting a fund, and drafting a Bill for the establishment of a Queensland University. The emphasis was placed on the practical aspects of university education and its significance for Queensland’s commerce.
On December 10, 1909, the University of Queensland was officially founded through an Act of the State Parliament. This commemorative act marked the 50th anniversary of Queensland’s separation from the colony of New South Wales. The university’s governance was assigned to a senate consisting of 20 members. Sir William MacGregor was appointed as the first chancellor, and RH Roe served as the vice-chancellor.
With the establishment of the university, discussions about the best location for it began. Initially, Old Government House, which was on George Street, was allocated for university purposes after the departure of the governor to the Bardon residence, Fernberg.
The Geoffrey Joseph Kuskie Prize, established in 2020, is a scholarship maintained through a bequest from the estate of Violet Kuskie, in memory of her husband Geoffrey Joseph Kuskie.
Details about the Geoffrey Joseph Kuskie Prize at the University of Queensland:
Scholarship Sponsor: University of Queensland, Australia
Scholarship Value: At least $1,250
Number of awards: N/A
Study level: Undergraduate
Host Institution(s): University of Queensland, Australia
Enrolment Status: Current UQ student
Eligibility Criteria for Geoffrey Joseph Kuskie Prize
Participants in the competition may be any UQ undergraduate student.
Note: The finest poetry essay, as judged by the prize assessors, will receive the prize.
Application Procedure for Geoffrey Joseph Kuskie Prize
Interested and qualified students should apply using the online application portal. You will need to provide:
- your details
- an essay on poetry to enter the competition
What Next?
Upon receipt of your application, the admission office will notify you via email. Within two days of submitting your application, send them an email at if you haven’t heard back. Your application will be forwarded to a selection panel for examination if you are found to be eligible. They’ll provide you with written notice if you’re successful.
Geoffrey Joseph Kuskie Prize in Poetry (PDF, 96.87 KB)
The Application Deadline is: 3 December 2023
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