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American Association Of University Women AAUW International Fellowships for Graduate and Postgraduate Students in the USA for 2023/2024

Since 1917, there have been AAUW International Fellowships for Graduate and Postgraduate Students. Women who are members of Graduate Women International (see the list of GWI affiliates) may be eligible for a small number of prizes for study abroad (excluding the applicant’s home country). Graduate and postgraduate study at authorized institutions in the United States is funded.

By the application deadline, applicants must have completed coursework equal to a U.S. bachelor’s degree and submit applications to the schools they intend to attend. Academic excellence and a clear commitment to supporting women and girls are considered while choosing recipients.

Recipients go back to their native nations and rise to positions of leadership in industry, politics, academics, community action, the arts, and sciences.

AAUW International Fellowships for Graduate and Postgraduate Students – Benefits


The following fellowship funds will be awarded to candidates for AAUW International Fellowships for Graduate and Postgraduate Students:

  • Dependent child care
  • Travel to professional meetings, conferences, or seminars that do not exceed 10% of the fellowship total.
  • Master’s/first professional degree: $20,000
  • Doctoral: $25,000
  • Postdoctoral: $50,000
  • Educational expenses
  • Living expenses


Applicants must fulfill the requirements listed below to be considered for AAUW International Fellowships for Graduate and Postgraduate Students:

  • Possess a non-immigrant visa if resident in the U.S., or have citizenship in a nation other than the U.S. Women who presently have the status of U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or dual citizen of the U.S. and another nation, or who anticipate doing so during the fellowship year, are ineligible.
  • Possess an academic degree (obtained in the US or overseas) that, when finished by November 15, 2022, would be comparable to a US bachelor’s degree.
  • Want to devote their entire fellowship year to the suggested academic schedule.
  • Intend to finish their education in their home country and pursue a professional career there.
  • Be able to communicate effectively in English and demonstrate this ability by providing one of the Required Components (see below), which may include specific English proficiency tests, transcripts from institutions that speak English, or a written declaration stating that English is the applicant’s first language. Candidates should prepare for and take the exam as soon as feasible if they intend to take one of the recognized English proficiency tests. Please contact the exam provider with any inquiries you may have.
  • Doctoral and master’s applicants must have submitted applications by November 15, 2023, to approved institutions of higher learning for the fellowship year and must include the institution’s name in the international fellowship application. 
  • Although it is not necessary to accept an award at the time of application, fellows must include official confirmation from the school with their award acceptance paperwork.
  • Fellowships for master’s or first professional degrees are available for J.D., M.F.A., L.L.M., M.Arch., and other professional degrees as well as medical degrees like M.D., D.D.S. Undergraduate degrees, associate degrees, and certificates are not acceptable.
  • Doctoral degrees, such as the Ph.D. or Ed.D., that are categorized as research degrees are eligible for doctoral fellowships.
  • By November 15, 2023, postdoctoral candidates must possess a doctorate that is categorized as a research degree, such as a Ph.D., Ed.D., D.B.A., or an M.F.A., and they must also state the location of their study.
  • Doctoral and master’s applicants must be enrolled at an American institution that is accredited by the U.S. throughout the fellowship year.
  • Graduate Women International members may be eligible for a small number of prizes for study or research abroad in any nation. Keep in mind that international divisions of American institutions are regarded as being located abroad.
  • Although candidates must be pursuing a full year of study or research, they may apply for the fellowship in any program year. No partial year of study or research is financially supported by an international fellowship. Programs that wrap up before the fellowship year’s April are not eligible.

Interview Date, Process, and Venue for AAUW International Fellowships for Graduate and Postgraduate Students 

The group meets once a year to discuss grant requests. The criteria listed here are used to determine awards. The final approval of the panel’s recommendations rests with AAUW. According to the finances available in a particular fiscal year, fellowships are given out on a competitive basis.

AAUW refrains from discussing the decisions made by its award panels to maintain an impartial review process. Application reviews are not offered by AAUW. There are no provisions for proposals for fellowships to be taken back. Applications and supporting documentation are not returned or kept for a second year; they become the sole property of AAUW.

  • Special consideration will be given to applicants who are living in their home country at the time of application, who are from developing or emerging nations, or who belong to an underrepresented group in any region.
  • When returning to one’s country of origin.
  • Educational background and/or professional experience.
  • Demonstrated dedication to advancing women and girls in the country of origin.
  • A suggested timetable.
  • Quality and viability of the suggested study or research concept.
  • Proof of earlier community and/or civic involvement in one’s own country.
  • The need for the specific expertise or talent in the applicant’s nation.
  • Demand for money.
  • A driving force behind research or graduate school.


  • 15th November 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Western Standard Time: The application, recommendations, and supporting documentation must be submitted online by this date.
  • Decision notifications are sent to all candidates via email on April 15, 2023. Requests for earlier notice cannot be met by AAUW.
  • Fellowship year: July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024

A date will be observed on the next business day if it falls on a weekend or holiday.

How to Apply

AAUW International Fellowships for Graduate and Postgraduate Students: Interested and Eligible? To apply, visit the American Association of University Women (AAUW) at

For the AAU International Fellowships for Graduate and Postgraduate Students, interested and qualified candidates should complete and apply online.

Please email if you have any issues or need technical support from ISTS, our technical consultant. If the webpage asks you to enter a program key, type AAUW-IF. To ensure that you receive crucial communications from AAUW, we strongly advise applicants not to opt out of contacts from ISTS.

Deadline for Application

November 15, 2023

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