Australia ScholarshipsOceania ScholarshipsPostgraduateResearchScholarships

The University of Queensland QCVRN PhD Top-up Scholarship in Australia for 2023

Application is now open for the QCVRN PhD Top-up Scholarship at the University of Queensland. Interested applicants are encouraged to send their applications in before the deadline date.

About the University of Queensland and Scholarship

The main campus of the University of Queensland, a public research university, is located in Brisbane, the state capital of Queensland, Australia. The oldest university in each state and one of the six sandstone universities, UQ was founded in 1909 by the Queensland government and is one of the six institutions to hold this designation. A comparison of the top three worldwide university rankings places the University of Queensland second in Australia and 42nd overall in 2023. In addition, UQ is a founding member of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities, a group that focuses on international research, and edX, the top Group of Eight organization in Australia.

The main St. Lucia campus occupies a sizable chunk of the inner-city St. Lucia suburb beside a river, which is located southwest of Brisbane’s central business district. Queensland is home to several UQ campuses and facilities, the largest of which are the Gatton campus and the Mayne Medical School. The UQ-Ochsner Clinical School in Louisiana, United States, and the UQ North America headquarters in Washington, D.C., are two of UQ’s international locations.


Through a college, a graduate school, and six faculties, the university grants associate, bachelor, master, doctoral, and higher doctorate degrees. Molecular Bioscience Institute, Boeing Research, and Technology Australia Center, Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, and UQ Dow Centre for Sustainable Engineering Innovation are just a few of the more than 100 research institutes and centers that UQ houses and offers research programs.

A QCVRN PhD Top-Up Scholarship is an additional grant that supplements the funding provided by a primary scholarship provided by another organization. The QCVRN offers qualified QCVRN members stipend scholarship funding. All laws on degree candidacy and the primary award will apply, and award winners will be treated in every way as students of the university where they are registered. 

Details about QCVRN PhD Top-up Scholarship at the University of Queensland:

Scholarship Sponsor: Queensland Cardiovascular Research Network/University of Queensland, Australia

Scholarship Value: $5,000 per annum

Number of awards: Varies

Study level: Postgraduate Research

Host Institution(s): University of Queensland, Australia

Eligibility Criteria for QCVRN PhD Top-up Scholarship

Any field of basic, clinical, or public health research where the primary goal is to advance understanding of cardiovascular biology or disease qualifies as an eligible cardiovascular research area. Applicants are advised to meet the following conditions to be eligible for the QCVRN PhD Top-up Scholarship at the University of Queensland:

  • Presently be accepted as a PhD student in a Queensland university; 
  • Be an active QCVRN participant;
  • When receiving the QCVRN Top Up scholarship, you must not have been working on your PhD for more than one (1) year FTE; 
  • Hold a primary scholarship, such as one from a Research Training Program or another scholarship of comparable worth; 
  • Possess a university supervisor who is prepared and eager to guide you; 
  • Focus the majority of your research efforts on Queensland.

Selection Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on the standard and applicability of the student project to the field of cardiovascular biology and disease, the applicant’s academic record, and the recommendation letter.

Application Process for QCVRN PhD Top-up Scholarship

Applicants should fill out the following documents in the application form:

  • 11-point Arial with 1.3-inch margins
  • 1-page CV
  • A one-page study proposal that details the project’s relevance, particular goals, research approach, anticipated findings, and research environment
  • letter of support from a manager recognizing the requirements and providing a summary of their record.

Note: Submit one document that complies with the above formatting specifications. Applications that DO NOT satisfy the requirements won’t be taken into consideration. At the October 2023 QCVRN Research Showcase event, finalists will present their work, and prizes will be given out.

The Application Deadline is: 28 July 2023

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other Australia scholarships here.

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